Monday, 24 November 2014



My name is Ben and and I am currently a Transition Year pupil in Wesley College, Dublin. As part of our Environmental Studies module we have been instructed to create and publish our own blog, with the title headed "The Geography of...". It is then up to us to decide what to base our blog on. As you may have already guessed, I have decided to create a blog based on "The Geography of Life Changing Inventions".

I have decided to base my blog on this topic as it is an area that really interests me. I love learning about inventions that were made tens, or even thousands, of years ago that still have such a huge impact on our day to day life today. What may have started off as a humble idea a couple of hundred years ago, may now be one of the most important products in the world at present.

In my blog I will write about inventions such as The Internet, The Wheel and The Printing press to name but a few. I think that nowadays we take inventions such as these for granted, without ever stopping to think where they all came from. This is why I chose to write about this topic; to give you, and me, an insight into the background and geography of these great inventions.

I hope that you all enjoy reading my blogs, and that you may even learn a thing or two from them! Enjoy!